Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 4, 2015

Opening Prayer April 20

My brothers and sisters,

in darkness we are anonymous,

in darkness we can be forgiven

for not seeing, for being unaware,

in darkness we can complain

that someone should turn on a light,

in darkness we can be excused

for being fear-full and losing our way.

Jesus, in your name we gather.

You are here in our midst.

In the presence of your Spirit,

we become your body,

to listen… to share… to learn…. to care…

and to pray for one another.

Move within us. Move among us.

Spirit of Compassion, bind us to one another.

Propel us out into your world

to be your compassionate justice.

<The Summons>

As you look into our world,

as you become aware

of the systematic realities

of global injustice–

the domination, the exploitation, 

the deep division, and the violence–

what is it that most deeply concerns you?

Where will you bring the light of God’s justice to our world?

Leader: Let us take prayer to heart. 

Echo this simple prayer, line by line.

Not by might, nor by power,

All: Not by might, nor by power,

Leader: But by my Spirit, says your God.

All: But by my Spirit, says your God.

Leader: Let this prayer echo in our hearts.

Rite of Blessing

Invite participants to follow you as you mark a cross on your forehead, lips, and heart:

Bless with me the thoughts,

the words, and the stirrings of our hearts

that we will share in dialogue:

(Cross forehead) Holy Spirit, inspire our thoughts…

(Cross lips) May we speak your truth…

(Cross heart) May our hearts be opened.

And the People of God say: AMEN

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